Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The United Kingdom part 2

Get to know geography, points of interest, gastronomy, currency, sports...

1. List five traditional British dishes:
chips and ketchup, fish and chips, chicken fingers, hot dogs.

2. What currency would you use if you were living in London? Have a look at the following correspondences and say whether they are correct or not:

3€ → 2₤, 8€ → 10₤, 15€ → 12₤, 30€ → 20₤, 75€ → 50₤

3. As you know, one of the most representative monuments of England is “Big Ben”, could you mention at least five more?
The Tower of London, Buckingham Palace, the London Eye, the tower Bridge and the Durham.

4. What sports would you play if you were living there? What do they consist on?
Basketball cricket, tennis, rugby, golf and football.

5. As we all know, British are the only people driving on the left. Can you add five aspects on driving in Britain?

6. What are the main differences between British and American English? Give at least five examples
-The pronounce the British people vocalist more than the American people.
-The accent is different

7. Could you mention the most famous kings and queens of England? Could you add some dates?
Elizabeth ll 1952 and George Vl 1936-1952,

8. Is Great Britain a Republic or a Monarchy? Is a Monarchy

9. Why do you think it is called “Great Britain” intead of “Britain”? It was called Great Britain .

10.List the name of five rivers placed anywhere whit Great Britain

Glen, The river Thames, the Ribble, Brick Beck and the River Tial,

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


1. How many independent countries are there in the British Isles? There are two, United Kingdom and Ireland

2. United Kingdom comprises four nations.

Could you name them and their capitals?
Threre are Scotland and the c
apital is Edinburgh, England the capital is London, Wales ithe capital is Cardiff , Northern Ireland and the capital is Belfast.

3. Which important river goes along Oxford and London? Thames.
Where is it wider? Why?
Is around the Tower Bridge and the wider is around 270 meters

4. Where can you find these things? .

1. Egyptian mummies: in the British Museum.
2. Dinosaurs:
in the National History Museum.
3. Pictures by famous painters: in the National Gallery.

5.Where is the Lake Ness? Why is it famous?

1.There is in Scotland
2It's famous because an old story say a monster living in there

6.Which is the political system in the two countries of the British Isles?
1.United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy
It is governed by a parliamentary system 2.Ireland is a republican system

7.Can a person swim from Great Britain to France? How f
ar is it? 3 / 30 / 300 km
Yes , you can and It's 30 km far . But to do it, you need a permission because it's difficult and dangerous to cross, my grandfather crossed last 40 years.

8.Can you find three similarities and three differences between Britain and Spain?
there is much tourism
The technology is similar
-There are important rivers
-The weather is not similar
n Britain there are more junk food
-in Britain are more monuments

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

British healthcare system

Most of time we feel well. We can play sports, go to work and enjoy our lives. But sometimes we just don't feel well. What happens then? Some people have medical insurance but most people can't afford it and rely on the National Health Service, the NHS. this i provided by the government in Britain. The NHS has sent everybody in Britain a Self-Help guide. This will help you diagnose whatis wrong and find the best treatment. it convers things like headaches, coughs and colds, having a temperature or a stomach ache. For many people it could be all they need. There lots of medicines you can buy in the chemist buyt for more powerful ones like antibiotics you need to have a prescription. You can get a prescritption from a doctor. Doctors work in surgeries or health centres. The doctor examines you first to find out what's wrong. Then they can write you a prescription for medicine to cure you. If you can't get to a doctor, there are two other NHS service you could try. The first i s NHS Direct. This i a phone service where a trained nurse will suggest the best way to treat you. For accidents or emergencies, you should go to a hospital wich has got a specific Accident and Emergencies departament. But many people prefer alternative medicine. This can include many kinds of treatment using both very old and very modern techiniques. One of the most common alternative treatments i sthe use of Chinese herbs - these are completely natural medicine. Acupuncure - a Chinese techinique using needles placed carefully in the body - is also popular. Osteopathy - where the doctor manipulates bones and muscles - i another popular treatment.

Computers in your life

Computers are a very important part of our lives. They tell us about delays to transport. They drive trains, analyse evidence and control buildings. Did you know that 60% of homes in Britain have got a PC (a personal computer)? Computers are a very important of most areas of life in Britain- libraries, the police and in school. But they are becoming more important in our homes as well. The smart home is now a real possibility. It will become very common. A central computer will adjust the temperature. And of course you will be able to give new instructions to the computer from your mobile phone. So if your plans change, your home will react to match. If the temperature outside changes, the smart home will adjust temperature levels inside. The computer will also close the blinds when it gets dark or to stop too much sun from entering a room. In a survey, 44 per cent of young people between 11 and 16 said their PC was a trusted friend. Twenty per cent said they were happier at their computer than spending time with family or friends. Another survey found that people in Britain spend so much time on the phone, texting and reading e-mails that they no longer have time for conversation.