The most popular British soap operas are Eastenders and Coronaiton Street, These are popular dramas about the lives of ordinary people. There are usually three to five episodes each week. Many people are addicted ti soap operas. Ther even buy soap opera magazines. These contain previews of the next week's shows, so that fans can find out what's going to happen next.
There also web sites for all the main soap operas. These have got information about the actors and stories from future episodes.
Estenders is set the east end of London and has been broadcast sience 1085. Coronation Street is based in Manchester and it is the oldest soap. It was first broadcast in 1960
There also web sites for all the main soap operas. These have got information about the actors and stories from future episodes.
Estenders is set the east end of London and has been broadcast sience 1085. Coronation Street is based in Manchester and it is the oldest soap. It was first broadcast in 1960
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